Hall, D. M., Avellaneda, P. M., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., and Lowry, C. S. 2024. How to close the loop with citizen scientists to advance meaningful science. Sustainability Science, in press.
Andres, K.A., Liu, B., Johnson, L. E., Kapuscinski, K. L., Moerke, A. H., Ling, F., and Knouft, J. H. 2024. Life stage and vaccination shape the gut microbiome of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) intended for river stocking. Aquaculture, in press.
Hall, D. M., Avellaneda, P. M., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., and Lowry, C. S. 2024. Citizen silence: Missed opportunities in citizen science. Bioscience 74:315-318.
Burns, M.D., Knouft, J. H., and Dillman, C. B. 2024. The role of abiotic and biotic factors in the unequal body shape diversification of a Gondwanan fish radiation (Otophysi: Characiformes). Evolution 78:253–266.
Turner, T., Bart, Jr., H., McCormick, F., Besser, A., Bowes, R., Capps, K., DeArmon, E., Dillman, C., Driscoll, K., Dugger, A., Hamilton, G., Harris, P., Hendrickson, D., Hoffman, J., Knouft, J. H., Lepak, R., Lopez-Fernandez, H., Montana, C. G., Newsome, S., Pease, A., Smith, W., Taylor, C. A., and Welicky, R. 2023. Long-term ecological research in freshwaters enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics. Bioscience 73:479-493.
Hassan Shabbir, A., Ji, J., Groninger, J.W., Gueye, G.N., Knouft, J.H., van Etten, E.J.B., and Zhang, J. 2023. Climate predicts wildland fire extent across China. Science of the Total Environment 896:164897.
Kuruvilla, M., Dell, A., Olson, A. R., Knouft, J. H., Grady, J. M ., Forbes, J., and Berdahl, A. M. 2023. The effect of temperature on fish swimming and schooling is context dependent. Oikos 2023:e09202.
Knouft, J.H. 2022. Freshwater Resources and COVID-19. In: Laituri, M., Richardson, R.B., Kim, J. (eds) The Geographies of COVID-19. Global Perspectives on Health Geography. Springer, Cham.
Botero-Acosta, A., Ficklin, D. L., Ehsani, N., and Knouft, J. H. 2022. Climate induced changes in streamflow and water temperature in basins across the Atlantic Coast of the United States: An opportunity for nature-based regional management. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 44:101202.
Baraza, T., Hernandez, N. F., Sebok, J. N., Wu, C-L, Hasenmueller, E. A., and Knouft, J. H. 2022. Integrating land cover, point source pollution, and watershed hydrologic processes data to understand the distribution of microplastics in riverbed sediments. Environmental Pollution 2022:119852.
Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Knouft, J.H., and Ling, F.Q. 2022. Meter-scale variation within a single transect demands attention to taxon accumulation curves in riverine microbiome studies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 16:64.
Knouft, J. H., Botero-Acosta, A., Wu C. L., Charry, B., Chu, M. L., Dell, A. I., Hall, D. M., and Herrington S. J. 2021. Forested riparian buffers as climate adaptation tools for management of riverine flow and thermal regimes: a case study in the Meramec River basin. Sustainability 13:1877.
Wu C. L., Herrington S., Charry, B., Chu, M. L., and Knouft, J. H. 2021. Assessing the potential of riparian reforestation to facilitate watershed climate adaptation. Journal of Environmental Management 277:111431.
Hall, D. M., Gilbertz, S. J., Anderson, M. A., Avellaneda, P., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., and Lowry C. S. 2021. Mechanisms for engaging social systems in freshwater science research. Freshwater Science 40:245-251.
Pagliaro, M. D. and Knouft, J. H. 2020. Differential effects of the urban heat island on thermal responses of freshwater fishes from unmanaged and managed systems. Science of the Total Environment 723:e138084.
Avellaneda, P. M., Ficklin, D. L., Lowry, C. S., Knouft, J. H., and Hall, D. M. 2020. Improving hydrological models with the assimilation of crowdsourced data. Water Resources Research 56:e2019WR026325.
Beachum, C. E., Michel, M. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2020. Metabolic rates from Bluntnose minnow (Pimephales notatus) populations at lower latitudes are more sensitive to changes in temperature than populations at higher latitudes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29:210-219.
Haake, D. and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Comparison of contributions to chloride in urban stormwater from winter brine and rock salt application. Environmental Science & Technology 53:11888−11895.
VanCompernolle, M, Knouft, J. H., and Ficklin, D. L. 2019. Multispecies conservation of freshwater fish assemblages in response to climate change in the southeastern United States. Diversity and Distributions 25:1388-1398.
Krause, K. P., Chien, H., Ficklin, D. L., Hall, D., Schuster, G., Swannack, T., Taylor, C. A.. and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Streamflow regimes and geologic conditions are more important than water temperature when projecting future crayfish distributions. Climatic Change 154:107-123.
Andres, K. J., Chien, H., and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Hydrology induces intraspecific variation in freshwater fish morphology under contemporary and future climate scenarios. Science of the Total Environment 671:421-430.
Krause, K. P., Wu, C. L., Chu, M., and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Fish assemblage-environment relationships suggest differential trophic responses to heavy metal contamination. Freshwater Biology 64:632-642.
Neupane, R. P., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., Ehsani, N., and Cibin, R. 2019. Hydrologic responses to projected climate change in ecologically diverse watersheds of the Gulf Coast, USA. International Journal of Climatology 39:2227-2243.
VanCompernolle, M, Knouft, J. H., and Ficklin, D. L. 2019. Hydrologic and thermal conditions occupied by a species within a single watershed predict the geographic extent of occurrence of freshwater fishes. Ecohydrology 12:e2071.
Peterson, K. T., Sagan, V., Sidike, P., Hasenmueller, E. A., Sloan, J. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Machine learning based ensemble prediction of water quality variables using feature-level and decision-level fusion with proximal remote sensing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 85:39-50.
Niu, S. Q., Haake, D. M., and Knouft J. H. 2019. Gut content biomass of stream fishes: associations with streamflow velocity, population density, and prey abundance at two spatial scales. Hydrobiologia 826:85-97.
Ficklin, D. L., Abatzoglou, J. T., Robeson, S. M., Null, S. E., and Knouft, J. H. 2018. Natural and managed watersheds show similar responses to recent climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:8553-8557.
Knouft, J. H. 2018. Appropriate application of information from biodiversity databases is critical when investigating species distributions and diversity: a comment on Dallas et al. (2017). Ecology Letters 21:1119-1120.
Knouft, J. H. and Ficklin, D. L. 2017. The potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity in flowing freshwater systems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48:111-133.
Michel, M. J., Chien, H., Beachum, C. E., Bennett, M., and Knouft, J. H. 2017. Climate change, hydrology, and fish morphology: predictions using phenotype-environment associations. Climatic Change 140:563-576.
Niu, S. Q. and Knouft, J. H. 2017. Hydrologic characteristics, food resource abundance, and spatial variation in stream assemblages. Ecohydrology 10:e1770.
Knouft, J. H. and Anthony, M. M. 2016. Climate and local abundance in freshwater fishes. Royal Society Open Science 3:160093.
Ficklin, D. L., Robeson, S. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2016. Impacts of recent climate change on trends in baseflow and stormflow in United States watersheds. Geophysical Research Letters 43:5079-5088.
Beachum, C. E., Michel, M. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2016. Differential responses of body shape to local and reach scale stream flow in two freshwater fish species. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:446–454.
Schönhuth, S., Beachum, C. E., Knouft, J. H., and Mayden, R. L. 2016. Phylogenetic relationships of the widely distributed minnow Pimephales notatus (Cyprinidae) in North America. Zootaxa 4168:38-60.
Knouft, J. H. and Chu, M. L. 2015. Using watershed-scale hydrological models to predict the impacts of increasing urbanization on freshwater fish assemblages. Ecohydrology 8:273-285.
Ficklin, D. L., Barnhart, B. L., Knouft, J. H., Stewart, I. T., Maurer, E. P., Letsinger, S. L., and Whittaker, G. W. 2014. Climate change and stream temperature projections in the Columbia River basin: habitat implications of spatial variation in hydrologic drivers. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18:4897-4912.
Michel, M. J., Chevin, L-M., and Knouft, J. H. 2014. Evolution of phenotype-environment associations by genetic responses to selection and phenotypic plasticity in a temporally autocorrelated environment. Evolution 68:1374-1384.
Chu, M. L., Ghulam, A., Knouft, J. H., and Pan, Z. 2014. Exploring the trends and shifts in rainfall and runoff patterns: a case study of the Meramec and Gasconade watersheds. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50:928-942.
Michel, M. J. and Knouft, J. H. 2014. The effects of environmental change on the spatial and environmental determinants of community-level traits. Landscape Ecology 29:467-477.
Chien, H., Yeh, P. J., and Knouft J. H. 2013. Modeling the potential impacts of climate change on streamflow in agricultural watersheds of the Midwestern United States. Journal of Hydrology 491:73-88.
Chu, M. L., Knouft, J. H., Ghulam, A., Pan, Z., and Guzman, J. 2013. Impacts of urbanization on river flow frequency: A controlled experimental modeling-based evaluation approach. Journal of Hydrology 495:1-12.
Niu, S. Q., Franczyk, M., and Knouft, J. H. 2012. Regional species richness, hydrological characteristics and the local species richness of assemblages of North American stream fishes. Freshwater Biology 57:2367–2377.
Michel, M. J. and Knouft J. H. 2012. Niche variability and its consequences for species distribution modeling. PLoS ONE 7:e44932.
Trumbo, D. R., Burgett, A. A., Hopkins, R. L., Biro, E. G., Chase, J. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2012. Integrating local breeding pond, landcover, and climate factors in predicting amphibian distributions. Landscape Ecology 27:1183–1196.
Tiemann, J. S., Taylor, C. A., and Knouft, J. H. 2012. Conservation review of the Longnose Dace Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) in northwestern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 105:57-64.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 2011. Climate, elevation, stream channel diversity, and geographic clines in species richness of North American freshwater fishes. Journal of Biogeography 38:2259–2269.
Trumbo, D. R., Burgett, A. A., and Knouft, J. H. 2011. Testing climate-based species distribution models with recent field surveys of pond-breeding amphibians in eastern Missouri. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89:1074–1083.
Knouft, J. H., Caruso, N. M., Dupre, P. J., Anderson, K. A., Trumbo, D. R., and Puccinelli, J. 2011. Using fine-scale GIS data to assess the relationship between intra-annual environmental niche variability and population density in a local stream fish assemblage. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2:303-311.
Luxbacher, A. M. and Knouft, J. H. 2009. Assessing concurrent patterns of environmental niche and morphological evolution among species of Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:1669-1678.
Mitchell, A. L. and Knouft, J. H. 2009. Non-native fishes and native species diversity in freshwater fish assemblages across the United States. Biological Invasions 11:1441-1450.
Albert, J. S., Johnson, D. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2009. Fossils provide better estimates of ancestral body size than do extant taxa in fishes. Acta Zoologica 90(Supp1):308-335.
Knouft, J. H. 2009. Defense against pathogens and predators during the evolution of parental care in fishes. In: Fish defenses: pathogens, parasites, and predators. Eds. G. Zaccone, M. J. Manning, C. J. Secombes and B.G. Kapoor. Science Publishers.
Johnson, J. R., Knouft, J. H., and Semlitsch, R. D. 2007. Sex and seasonal differences in the spatial terrestrial distribution of gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor) populations. Biological Conservation 140:250-258.
Knouft, J. H., Losos, J. B., Glor, R. E., and Kolbe J. J. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of the niche in lizards of the Anolis sagrei group. Ecology 87:S29-S38.
Langerhans, R. B., Knouft, J. H., and Losos, J. B. 2006. Shared and unique features of evolutionary diversification in Greater Antillean Anolis ecomorphs. Evolution 60:362-369.
Taylor, C. A. and Knouft, J. H. 2006. Historical influences on genital morphology among sympatric crayfishes: systematics and gonopod evolution in the genus Orconectes (Cambaridae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89:1-12.
Calsbeek, R., Knouft, J. H., and Smith, T. B. 2006. Variation in scale numbers is consistent with ecologically based natural selection acting within and between lizard species. Evolutionary Ecology 20(4) 377-394.
Miller, A. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2006. GIS-based characterization of the ecological niches of wild and cultivated populations of the Mesoamerican fruit tree, Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae). American Journal of Botany 93:1757-1767.
Brinkerhoff, R. J., Markeson, A. B., Knouft, J. H., Gage, K. L., and Montenieri, J. A. 2006. Abundance patterns of two Oropsylla (Ceratophyllidae: Siphonaptera) species on black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) hosts. Journal of Vector Ecology 31:355-363.
Knouft, J. H. 2004. Latitudinal variation in the shape of the species body size distribution: an analysis using freshwater fishes. Oecologia 139:408-417.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 2004. Nest defense against predators by the male Fringed Darter (Etheostoma crossopterum). Copeia 2004:915-918.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 2003. The evolution of body size in extant groups of North American freshwater fishes: speciation, size distributions, and Cope’s rule. The American Naturalist 161:413-421.
Knouft, J. H. 2003. Convergence, divergence, and the effect of congeners on body size ratios in stream fishes. Evolution 57:2374-2382.
Knouft, J. H., Page, L. M., and Plewa, M. J. 2003. Antimicrobial egg cleaning by the fringed darter (Perciformes: Percidae: Etheostoma crossopterum): implications of a novel component of parental care in fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 270:2405-2411.
Knouft, J. H. 2002. Regional analysis of body size and population density in stream fish assemblages: testing predictions of the energetic equivalence rule. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:1350-1360.
Knouft, J. H. and Spotila, J. R. 2002. Assessment of movements of resident stream brown trout (Salmo trutta) among contiguous sections of stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 11:85-92.
Hardman, M., Page, L. M., Sabaj, M. H., Armbruster, J. W., and Knouft, J. H. 2002. A comparison of fish surveys made in 1908 and 1998 of the Potaro, Essequibo, Demerara, and coastal river drainages of Guyana. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwater 13:225-238.
Taylor, C. A., Knouft, J. H., and Hiland, T. 2001. Consequences of stream impoundment on fish communities in a small North American drainage. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17:687-698.
Page, L. M. and Knouft, J. H. 2000. Variation in egg-mimic size in the Guardian Darter, Etheostoma oophylax (Percidae). Copeia 2000:782-785.
Armbruster, J. W., Sabaj, M. H., Hardman, M., Page, L. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2000. The catfish genus Corymbophanes (Loricariidae: Hypostominae) with description of one new species: Corymbophanes kaiei. Copeia 2000:997-1006.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 1999. Collection Building in Ichthyology and Herpetology -T.W. Pietsch and W.D. Anderson, Jr., eds. [Book Review]. Collection Forum 13:93-94.
Knouft, J. H. 2012. Inland Fisheries Management in North America, 3rd Edition -W.A. Hubert and M.C. Quist, eds. [Book Review]. Quarterly Review of Biology 87:168-169.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation DEB-0844644, DEB-1404187, DEB-1311179, DBI-1564896, DBI-1661156).
Hall, D. M., Avellaneda, P. M., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., and Lowry, C. S. 2024. How to close the loop with citizen scientists to advance meaningful science. Sustainability Science, in press.
Andres, K.A., Liu, B., Johnson, L. E., Kapuscinski, K. L., Moerke, A. H., Ling, F., and Knouft, J. H. 2024. Life stage and vaccination shape the gut microbiome of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) intended for river stocking. Aquaculture, in press.
Hall, D. M., Avellaneda, P. M., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., and Lowry, C. S. 2024. Citizen silence: Missed opportunities in citizen science. Bioscience 74:315-318.
Burns, M.D., Knouft, J. H., and Dillman, C. B. 2024. The role of abiotic and biotic factors in the unequal body shape diversification of a Gondwanan fish radiation (Otophysi: Characiformes). Evolution 78:253–266.
Turner, T., Bart, Jr., H., McCormick, F., Besser, A., Bowes, R., Capps, K., DeArmon, E., Dillman, C., Driscoll, K., Dugger, A., Hamilton, G., Harris, P., Hendrickson, D., Hoffman, J., Knouft, J. H., Lepak, R., Lopez-Fernandez, H., Montana, C. G., Newsome, S., Pease, A., Smith, W., Taylor, C. A., and Welicky, R. 2023. Long-term ecological research in freshwaters enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics. Bioscience 73:479-493.
Hassan Shabbir, A., Ji, J., Groninger, J.W., Gueye, G.N., Knouft, J.H., van Etten, E.J.B., and Zhang, J. 2023. Climate predicts wildland fire extent across China. Science of the Total Environment 896:164897.
Kuruvilla, M., Dell, A., Olson, A. R., Knouft, J. H., Grady, J. M ., Forbes, J., and Berdahl, A. M. 2023. The effect of temperature on fish swimming and schooling is context dependent. Oikos 2023:e09202.
Knouft, J.H. 2022. Freshwater Resources and COVID-19. In: Laituri, M., Richardson, R.B., Kim, J. (eds) The Geographies of COVID-19. Global Perspectives on Health Geography. Springer, Cham.
Botero-Acosta, A., Ficklin, D. L., Ehsani, N., and Knouft, J. H. 2022. Climate induced changes in streamflow and water temperature in basins across the Atlantic Coast of the United States: An opportunity for nature-based regional management. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 44:101202.
Baraza, T., Hernandez, N. F., Sebok, J. N., Wu, C-L, Hasenmueller, E. A., and Knouft, J. H. 2022. Integrating land cover, point source pollution, and watershed hydrologic processes data to understand the distribution of microplastics in riverbed sediments. Environmental Pollution 2022:119852.
Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Knouft, J.H., and Ling, F.Q. 2022. Meter-scale variation within a single transect demands attention to taxon accumulation curves in riverine microbiome studies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 16:64.
Knouft, J. H., Botero-Acosta, A., Wu C. L., Charry, B., Chu, M. L., Dell, A. I., Hall, D. M., and Herrington S. J. 2021. Forested riparian buffers as climate adaptation tools for management of riverine flow and thermal regimes: a case study in the Meramec River basin. Sustainability 13:1877.
Wu C. L., Herrington S., Charry, B., Chu, M. L., and Knouft, J. H. 2021. Assessing the potential of riparian reforestation to facilitate watershed climate adaptation. Journal of Environmental Management 277:111431.
Hall, D. M., Gilbertz, S. J., Anderson, M. A., Avellaneda, P., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., and Lowry C. S. 2021. Mechanisms for engaging social systems in freshwater science research. Freshwater Science 40:245-251.
Pagliaro, M. D. and Knouft, J. H. 2020. Differential effects of the urban heat island on thermal responses of freshwater fishes from unmanaged and managed systems. Science of the Total Environment 723:e138084.
Avellaneda, P. M., Ficklin, D. L., Lowry, C. S., Knouft, J. H., and Hall, D. M. 2020. Improving hydrological models with the assimilation of crowdsourced data. Water Resources Research 56:e2019WR026325.
Beachum, C. E., Michel, M. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2020. Metabolic rates from Bluntnose minnow (Pimephales notatus) populations at lower latitudes are more sensitive to changes in temperature than populations at higher latitudes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29:210-219.
Haake, D. and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Comparison of contributions to chloride in urban stormwater from winter brine and rock salt application. Environmental Science & Technology 53:11888−11895.
VanCompernolle, M, Knouft, J. H., and Ficklin, D. L. 2019. Multispecies conservation of freshwater fish assemblages in response to climate change in the southeastern United States. Diversity and Distributions 25:1388-1398.
Krause, K. P., Chien, H., Ficklin, D. L., Hall, D., Schuster, G., Swannack, T., Taylor, C. A.. and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Streamflow regimes and geologic conditions are more important than water temperature when projecting future crayfish distributions. Climatic Change 154:107-123.
Andres, K. J., Chien, H., and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Hydrology induces intraspecific variation in freshwater fish morphology under contemporary and future climate scenarios. Science of the Total Environment 671:421-430.
Krause, K. P., Wu, C. L., Chu, M., and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Fish assemblage-environment relationships suggest differential trophic responses to heavy metal contamination. Freshwater Biology 64:632-642.
Neupane, R. P., Ficklin, D. L., Knouft, J. H., Ehsani, N., and Cibin, R. 2019. Hydrologic responses to projected climate change in ecologically diverse watersheds of the Gulf Coast, USA. International Journal of Climatology 39:2227-2243.
VanCompernolle, M, Knouft, J. H., and Ficklin, D. L. 2019. Hydrologic and thermal conditions occupied by a species within a single watershed predict the geographic extent of occurrence of freshwater fishes. Ecohydrology 12:e2071.
Peterson, K. T., Sagan, V., Sidike, P., Hasenmueller, E. A., Sloan, J. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2019. Machine learning based ensemble prediction of water quality variables using feature-level and decision-level fusion with proximal remote sensing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 85:39-50.
Niu, S. Q., Haake, D. M., and Knouft J. H. 2019. Gut content biomass of stream fishes: associations with streamflow velocity, population density, and prey abundance at two spatial scales. Hydrobiologia 826:85-97.
Ficklin, D. L., Abatzoglou, J. T., Robeson, S. M., Null, S. E., and Knouft, J. H. 2018. Natural and managed watersheds show similar responses to recent climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:8553-8557.
Knouft, J. H. 2018. Appropriate application of information from biodiversity databases is critical when investigating species distributions and diversity: a comment on Dallas et al. (2017). Ecology Letters 21:1119-1120.
Knouft, J. H. and Ficklin, D. L. 2017. The potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity in flowing freshwater systems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48:111-133.
Michel, M. J., Chien, H., Beachum, C. E., Bennett, M., and Knouft, J. H. 2017. Climate change, hydrology, and fish morphology: predictions using phenotype-environment associations. Climatic Change 140:563-576.
Niu, S. Q. and Knouft, J. H. 2017. Hydrologic characteristics, food resource abundance, and spatial variation in stream assemblages. Ecohydrology 10:e1770.
Knouft, J. H. and Anthony, M. M. 2016. Climate and local abundance in freshwater fishes. Royal Society Open Science 3:160093.
Ficklin, D. L., Robeson, S. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2016. Impacts of recent climate change on trends in baseflow and stormflow in United States watersheds. Geophysical Research Letters 43:5079-5088.
Beachum, C. E., Michel, M. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2016. Differential responses of body shape to local and reach scale stream flow in two freshwater fish species. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:446–454.
Schönhuth, S., Beachum, C. E., Knouft, J. H., and Mayden, R. L. 2016. Phylogenetic relationships of the widely distributed minnow Pimephales notatus (Cyprinidae) in North America. Zootaxa 4168:38-60.
Knouft, J. H. and Chu, M. L. 2015. Using watershed-scale hydrological models to predict the impacts of increasing urbanization on freshwater fish assemblages. Ecohydrology 8:273-285.
Ficklin, D. L., Barnhart, B. L., Knouft, J. H., Stewart, I. T., Maurer, E. P., Letsinger, S. L., and Whittaker, G. W. 2014. Climate change and stream temperature projections in the Columbia River basin: habitat implications of spatial variation in hydrologic drivers. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18:4897-4912.
Michel, M. J., Chevin, L-M., and Knouft, J. H. 2014. Evolution of phenotype-environment associations by genetic responses to selection and phenotypic plasticity in a temporally autocorrelated environment. Evolution 68:1374-1384.
Chu, M. L., Ghulam, A., Knouft, J. H., and Pan, Z. 2014. Exploring the trends and shifts in rainfall and runoff patterns: a case study of the Meramec and Gasconade watersheds. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50:928-942.
Michel, M. J. and Knouft, J. H. 2014. The effects of environmental change on the spatial and environmental determinants of community-level traits. Landscape Ecology 29:467-477.
Chien, H., Yeh, P. J., and Knouft J. H. 2013. Modeling the potential impacts of climate change on streamflow in agricultural watersheds of the Midwestern United States. Journal of Hydrology 491:73-88.
Chu, M. L., Knouft, J. H., Ghulam, A., Pan, Z., and Guzman, J. 2013. Impacts of urbanization on river flow frequency: A controlled experimental modeling-based evaluation approach. Journal of Hydrology 495:1-12.
Niu, S. Q., Franczyk, M., and Knouft, J. H. 2012. Regional species richness, hydrological characteristics and the local species richness of assemblages of North American stream fishes. Freshwater Biology 57:2367–2377.
Michel, M. J. and Knouft J. H. 2012. Niche variability and its consequences for species distribution modeling. PLoS ONE 7:e44932.
Trumbo, D. R., Burgett, A. A., Hopkins, R. L., Biro, E. G., Chase, J. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2012. Integrating local breeding pond, landcover, and climate factors in predicting amphibian distributions. Landscape Ecology 27:1183–1196.
Tiemann, J. S., Taylor, C. A., and Knouft, J. H. 2012. Conservation review of the Longnose Dace Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) in northwestern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 105:57-64.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 2011. Climate, elevation, stream channel diversity, and geographic clines in species richness of North American freshwater fishes. Journal of Biogeography 38:2259–2269.
Trumbo, D. R., Burgett, A. A., and Knouft, J. H. 2011. Testing climate-based species distribution models with recent field surveys of pond-breeding amphibians in eastern Missouri. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89:1074–1083.
Knouft, J. H., Caruso, N. M., Dupre, P. J., Anderson, K. A., Trumbo, D. R., and Puccinelli, J. 2011. Using fine-scale GIS data to assess the relationship between intra-annual environmental niche variability and population density in a local stream fish assemblage. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2:303-311.
Luxbacher, A. M. and Knouft, J. H. 2009. Assessing concurrent patterns of environmental niche and morphological evolution among species of Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:1669-1678.
Mitchell, A. L. and Knouft, J. H. 2009. Non-native fishes and native species diversity in freshwater fish assemblages across the United States. Biological Invasions 11:1441-1450.
Albert, J. S., Johnson, D. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2009. Fossils provide better estimates of ancestral body size than do extant taxa in fishes. Acta Zoologica 90(Supp1):308-335.
Knouft, J. H. 2009. Defense against pathogens and predators during the evolution of parental care in fishes. In: Fish defenses: pathogens, parasites, and predators. Eds. G. Zaccone, M. J. Manning, C. J. Secombes and B.G. Kapoor. Science Publishers.
Johnson, J. R., Knouft, J. H., and Semlitsch, R. D. 2007. Sex and seasonal differences in the spatial terrestrial distribution of gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor) populations. Biological Conservation 140:250-258.
Knouft, J. H., Losos, J. B., Glor, R. E., and Kolbe J. J. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of the niche in lizards of the Anolis sagrei group. Ecology 87:S29-S38.
Langerhans, R. B., Knouft, J. H., and Losos, J. B. 2006. Shared and unique features of evolutionary diversification in Greater Antillean Anolis ecomorphs. Evolution 60:362-369.
Taylor, C. A. and Knouft, J. H. 2006. Historical influences on genital morphology among sympatric crayfishes: systematics and gonopod evolution in the genus Orconectes (Cambaridae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89:1-12.
Calsbeek, R., Knouft, J. H., and Smith, T. B. 2006. Variation in scale numbers is consistent with ecologically based natural selection acting within and between lizard species. Evolutionary Ecology 20(4) 377-394.
Miller, A. J., and Knouft, J. H. 2006. GIS-based characterization of the ecological niches of wild and cultivated populations of the Mesoamerican fruit tree, Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae). American Journal of Botany 93:1757-1767.
Brinkerhoff, R. J., Markeson, A. B., Knouft, J. H., Gage, K. L., and Montenieri, J. A. 2006. Abundance patterns of two Oropsylla (Ceratophyllidae: Siphonaptera) species on black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) hosts. Journal of Vector Ecology 31:355-363.
Knouft, J. H. 2004. Latitudinal variation in the shape of the species body size distribution: an analysis using freshwater fishes. Oecologia 139:408-417.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 2004. Nest defense against predators by the male Fringed Darter (Etheostoma crossopterum). Copeia 2004:915-918.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 2003. The evolution of body size in extant groups of North American freshwater fishes: speciation, size distributions, and Cope’s rule. The American Naturalist 161:413-421.
Knouft, J. H. 2003. Convergence, divergence, and the effect of congeners on body size ratios in stream fishes. Evolution 57:2374-2382.
Knouft, J. H., Page, L. M., and Plewa, M. J. 2003. Antimicrobial egg cleaning by the fringed darter (Perciformes: Percidae: Etheostoma crossopterum): implications of a novel component of parental care in fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 270:2405-2411.
Knouft, J. H. 2002. Regional analysis of body size and population density in stream fish assemblages: testing predictions of the energetic equivalence rule. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:1350-1360.
Knouft, J. H. and Spotila, J. R. 2002. Assessment of movements of resident stream brown trout (Salmo trutta) among contiguous sections of stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 11:85-92.
Hardman, M., Page, L. M., Sabaj, M. H., Armbruster, J. W., and Knouft, J. H. 2002. A comparison of fish surveys made in 1908 and 1998 of the Potaro, Essequibo, Demerara, and coastal river drainages of Guyana. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwater 13:225-238.
Taylor, C. A., Knouft, J. H., and Hiland, T. 2001. Consequences of stream impoundment on fish communities in a small North American drainage. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17:687-698.
Page, L. M. and Knouft, J. H. 2000. Variation in egg-mimic size in the Guardian Darter, Etheostoma oophylax (Percidae). Copeia 2000:782-785.
Armbruster, J. W., Sabaj, M. H., Hardman, M., Page, L. M., and Knouft, J. H. 2000. The catfish genus Corymbophanes (Loricariidae: Hypostominae) with description of one new species: Corymbophanes kaiei. Copeia 2000:997-1006.
Knouft, J. H. and Page, L. M. 1999. Collection Building in Ichthyology and Herpetology -T.W. Pietsch and W.D. Anderson, Jr., eds. [Book Review]. Collection Forum 13:93-94.
Knouft, J. H. 2012. Inland Fisheries Management in North America, 3rd Edition -W.A. Hubert and M.C. Quist, eds. [Book Review]. Quarterly Review of Biology 87:168-169.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation DEB-0844644, DEB-1404187, DEB-1311179, DBI-1564896, DBI-1661156).